artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of 5ee0aa4a7e10c 700

Las ilustraciones de Milk DoNg Comics reflejan el dolor de los animales

A pesar de que la humanidad ha progresado tanto a lo largo de la historia, nos duele decir que el maltrato animal sigue siendo un problema desenfrenado incluso en el siglo XXI.

artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of

Humanizar a los animales, ponernos en su piel y en su pelaje para intentar concienciar sobre el daño que los humanos podemos llegar a hacerles, es el objetivo de este artista llamado  "Milk DoNg Comics", que ha creado una serie de verdades incómodas llamada "Escena del asesinato".

Porque cuando pensamos en animales que hablan, discuten, ríen y lloran como los seres humanos, suele venirnos a la cabeza una imagen recurrente y disneyificada del asunto. Tenemos muy asimilada la idea dulce que el cine de animación ha proyectado de un recurso narrativo tan antiguo como el de humanizar a otras especies.

artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of

Pero la realidad dista-y mucho- de esta ficción edulcorada a través del arte. Los animales sufren mucho debido a nuestro egoísmo. Nos cargamos sus hábitats, los utilizamos para hacer pruebas de laboratorio, los matamos en aras de la tradición cultural y les arrancamos el alma para hacernos un bistec a la plancha. 

Por eso nos ha resultado neceario compartir esta serie, por su dureza y por su honestidad. 

artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of

artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of
artist shows shocking illustrations about animal abuse that many humans will surely be ashamed of


Milk DoNg Comics: Instagram

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